13 August 2008

Qantas to remove six B737-400 aircraft from service

Qantas said it would remove six B737-400 aircraft from service while it cross-checked maintenance records relating to aircraft modification work carried out at one of its Australian facilities. The Executive General Manager of Qantas Engineering, Mr David Cox, said the issue was one of procedure, and did not have any safety implications. “Qantas discovered an

Qantas to remove six B737-400 aircraft from service Read More »

American Airlines accelerates fleet renewal plan

American Airlines will take delivery of another six Boeing 737-800 aircraft in 2010, bringing the total of 737-800s to be delivered to American in 2009-2010 to 76 aircraft. American signed an amendment to its purchase agreement with Boeing under which, among other things, American exercised its rights to purchase 20 737-800 aircraft for delivery in

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