ATR announced a record turnover of $1.3 billion for 2008. Such result continues the strong growth of ATR since the recovery of the turboprop market in 2005, and represents an increase of around 140% in the last three years.
ATR booked orders for 42 new aircraft and options for 14 aircraft in 2008. 23 of these orders have been booked with carriers in the Asia Pacific region, thus confirming the importance of this zone in the success of ATR since the recovery of the turboprop market. In addition to this, ATR added 5 new customers in 2008, representing almost 40% of the total orders of the year.
ATR delivered 55 new aircraft in 2008, versus 44 in 2007 and 24 in 2006, thus representing a growth of some 130% in two years. As of December 31st 2008, ATR has delivered a total of 810 aircraft (403 ATR 42s and 407 ATR 72s).
ATR finished 2008 with a backlog of 169 aircraft, which represents over two and a half years of production. Among the backlog, there is a total of 39 ATR -600 series aircraft.