
A.Pecchi / Airbus Helicopters

Airbus Helicopters demonstrates manned-unmanned teaming system in EU-funded project

Airbus Helicopters, alongside its partners, has successfully completed a full-scale demonstration of a manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) system as part of the EU-funded MUSHER project. The demonstration, held between September 30 and October 9, took place across France and Italy and featured multiple manned helicopters and unmanned aerial systems (UAS) operating within a single MUM-T network. […]

Airbus Helicopters demonstrates manned-unmanned teaming system in EU-funded project Read More »

AW139 helicopter LCI

LCI delivers two new Leonardo AW139 helicopters to Babcock

LCI has delivered two new Leonardo AW139 helicopters to Babcock Australasia (Babcock) for emergency medical services (EMS) operations across the Torres Strait and the Northern Peninsula of Queensland, Australia. The helicopters, which arrived in Australia in late August to undergo modifications for their EMS role, have been placed in LCI’s joint venture with SMFL: SMFL

LCI delivers two new Leonardo AW139 helicopters to Babcock Read More »

PHI MRO Services has received Leonardo Service Centre recognition © PHI MRO Services

PHI MRO Services appointed as Leonardo Service Centre

PHI MRO Services, a maintenance repair and overhaul centre, and its longstanding partner, Leonardo, have announced the appointment of PHI MRO Services as a Leonardo Service Centre. This milestone marks a significant expansion in PHI MRO Services’ ability to provide top-tier maintenance solutions for Leonardo’s AW139 series aircraft to operators across the United States. “PHI

PHI MRO Services appointed as Leonardo Service Centre Read More »


Leonardo delivers another year of strong financial performance

Leonardo has delivered another year of strong financial performance, meeting or exceeding targets. Orders show continuous and structural growth, reaching close to the level of €18 billion (over €18.7 billion on a pro-forma basis consolidating Telespazio), with a strong performance in European electronics. The strong growth and positive commercial trend is even more relevant considering that

Leonardo delivers another year of strong financial performance Read More »


LCI inks deal for up to 21 latest-gen helicopters from Leonardo

LCI has announced a framework agreement for up to 21 of the latest-generation helicopters from Leonardo, comprising ten firm plus 11 options. The innovative new framework agreement covers the latest-generation light-intermediate AW169, intermediate AW139 and super-medium AW189 helicopters, which will collectively address industry renewal and replacement requirements. The new helicopters will be delivered through to

LCI inks deal for up to 21 latest-gen helicopters from Leonardo Read More »

Southwest Airlines has chosen Leonardo's sorter technology to reshape the transfer bags facility at Denver International Airport

Southwest Airlines chooses Leonardo’s sorter technology at DEN

Southwest Airlines, a major U.S. airline with almost 127 million annual passengers and the largest carrier of domestic passengers in the United States, has chosen Leonardo’s sorter technology to reshape the transfer bags facility at Denver International Airport (DEN). The move aims to guarantee faster connection times, accommodate tight flight schedules and enhance capacity to

Southwest Airlines chooses Leonardo’s sorter technology at DEN Read More »

AW119Kx helicopter © Leonardo

Leonardo reaffirms leading position in private helicopter transport market

A distributor agreement was signed at LABACE 2023 between Leonardo and Gruppomodena S.A. for the civil market in Uruguay and Argentina including an order for two AW119Kx helicopters and an order for one AW109 GrandNew helicopter for a private operator in Brazil. Official distributor in Brazil for the AW09 latest-generation single-engine, Gualter Helicopters signed for

Leonardo reaffirms leading position in private helicopter transport market Read More »

Ministry of Defence of Malaysia signs contract with Leonardo for two ATR 72MPA

The Ministry of Defence of Malaysia has signed a contract with Leonardo to supply two ATR 72 MPA (Maritime Patrol Aircraft) platforms. A signing ceremony took place at LIMA 2023, a key maritime and defence exhibition in the Asia-Pacific region held in Langkawi, Malaysia. This contract follows the selection of the solution offered by Leonardo

Ministry of Defence of Malaysia signs contract with Leonardo for two ATR 72MPA Read More »

Leonardo Helicopters obtains “Maintenance Training Organisation” certification for military aircraft training

Leonardo Helicopters has obtained the certification for military aircraft basic / type maintenance training, including the relevant components, issued by the Italian Secretariat General of Defence/National Armaments Directorate through the Directorate for Air Armaments and Airworthiness The company is the first industrial player in Italy, able to deliver the entire range of maintenance training services

Leonardo Helicopters obtains “Maintenance Training Organisation” certification for military aircraft training Read More »