The commercial aircraft leasing market has a powerful new entity with the launch of Falko, the new aircraft asset manager born out of the aircraft leasing business of BAE Systems. Supported by affiliates of funds managed by Fortress Investment Group LLC, a leading, highly diversified global investment management firm with some US $43 billion of assets under management, Falko enters the market with a portfolio of 143 aircraft, a highly experienced team and a proven track record. Over the previous 18 years, this team has negotiated in excess of 1800 commercial aircraft transactions valued at over $3.1 billion, and has customised and delivered some 750 aircraft.
The Falko portfolio consists of 103 BAe 146/Avro RJ regional jets, and 40 ATP and Jetstream family turboprops, originally manufactured by BAE Systems Regional Aircraft. The support and engineering businesses of Regional Aircraft will continue to provide Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) services to Falko, which becomes its biggest customer.