LAN Airlines S.A. and TAM S.A. announced a revised estimate of the synergies expected to be achieved through the merger of the two airlines to create LATAM Airlines Group S.A. LAN and TAM estimate that the combined synergies arising from the proposed combination could increase LATAM Group's annual operating income over time by between US$600m and US$700m, before depreciation and taxes, beginning four years after completion of the transaction. This represents a 50% to 75% increase over the initial synergy estimate of US$400m per year, which the companies announced in August 2010.
The new estimate, which is based on work performed by the companies together with consultants McKinsey & Company and Bain & Company over the past ten weeks, reflects further revisions and updates of the expected combined cost savings and revenue generating opportunities arising from the proposed combination and includes best practice sharing benefits that have been identified in certain areas. Of the total expected annual pre-tax synergies, between US$170m and US$200m may be achieved within the first year after completion of the transaction.