ELMS Aviation (ELMS) has reported that that HAECO Global Engine Support (HAECO GES) is one of the latest high-profile organisations to join ELMS' expanding customer network by utilising its industry-leading compliance & competence solution (the ELMS Solution). The ELMS Solution will be a core platform used to ensure the compliance and safety of HAECO Group's engine services specialist in terms of managing, demonstrating and lifting the competence of HAECO GES working teams, enabling the business to maintain and further enhance its global service offerings while providing high-level of transparency, integrity and visibility of personnel competence.
HAECO has recently expanded its Global Engine Support network to London and the Middle East, in addition to the current service centres in Hong Kong, Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Dallas. Being Rolls-Royce's principal provider of global on-wing and in-field services, the London Heathrow service centre provides around-the-clock specialist maintenance and support for Rolls-Royce large civil aero engines.