SAS Group reported revenues of MSEK 10,616 for the third quarter of 2011 (10,776 in 2010) and income before nonrecurring items in continuing operations of MSEK 298 (384 in 2010). EBT margin before nonrecurring items in continuing operations was 2.8% (3.6% in 2010). SAS Group reported cash flow from operating activities of MSEK 232 (-470 in 2010) and income before tax of MSEK 276 (-1,027 in 2010). Net income for the period was MSEK 214 (-1,051 in 2010).
SAS Group released that while the earlier forecast for full-year 2011 stands firm, the conditions for fulfilling the forecast have deteriorated. Jet-fuel prices, additional capacity in the market, global economic developments and the uncertainty regarding Spanair result in greater challenges. Provided that no unexpected events occur, the potential remains for the SAS Group to achieve marginally positive income before tax for full-year 2011.