According to its latest Global Market Forecast, Airbus foresees a demand for some 24,300 new passenger and freighter aircraft valued at $ 2.8 trillion between now and 2026. This will create an average annual delivery of some 1,215 aircraft, up from the previously forecast 1,130 average deliveries in the last GMF. Demand will drive the need for more fuel and eco-efficient airliners to cope with traffic growth and the need to replace older generation less efficient aircraft. By 2026, the fuel burn of the average world fleet is expected to be at three litres per 100 passenger kilometres, or what the A380 already delivers today.
Passenger traffic is expected to grow at an average rate of 4.9 per cent per year, leading to a near threefold increase in the forecast period and will remain resilient to the cyclical effects of the industry. Part of the forecast traffic increase will be absorbed by higher load factors as well as use of bigger more productive equipment and increased frequencies. Even so, the world